Time Bandits is a television adaptation of Terry Gilliam's 1981 film, Time Bandits, which centers on a young boy who discovers a time-traveling portal in his bedroom.
Embark on a comedic, high-stakes journey through time and space with a ragtag group of thieves and their newest recruit: an 11-year-old history nerd. Together, they set out on a thrilling quest to save the boy’s parents — and the world.
The compelling live-action series stars Lisa Kudrow, Kal-El Tuck, Tadhg Murphy, Roger Jean Nsengiyumva, Rune Temte, Charlyne Yi, Rachel House, Kiera Thompson, James Dryden, Felicity Ward, Francesca Mills, and Imaan Hadchiti. Time Bandits also features special guest appearances by Taika Waititi and Jemaine Clement.
Having premiered on July 24, 2024 on Apple TV+, the series was canceled after one season on September 16, 2024.
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